Protection: Intellectual Property Tactics for Start-Ups

 Posted by  Events
Mar 212011
Caution: This post is more than a year old. Be sure to check for more up to date information.

HSC Innovations recommends to HSC entrepreneurs and ‘wantrepreneurs’ the excellent workshop series provided by the CONNECT programme at the Northern Ireland Science Park (NISP).

Coming up in this series is Protection: Intellectual Property tactics for start-ups, on Thursday 24th March 2011, 8.30am – 10am at NISP.

Here’s the introduction:

‘Today’s competitive environment has made it increasingly difficult and important to stay ahead of the competition by adapting a coherent approach to Intellectual Property and the exploitation of the advantages IP can provide them with.  In order to exploit this in the company’s favour, it is essential that the basics of IP is known and identified. The workshop will help to demystify any common concerns with IP and give a broad understanding of the topic.

‘The workshop will be led by Mark Earnshaw, Director of Patents, Murgitroyd & Co and Alan Wallace, Partner, FR Kelly & Co, experts in the field of IP including Patenting and copyright.’

Delegates could include HSC scientists or technology experts considering a business start-up.

For full details see the NISP website at