HSC R&D Doctoral Fellowships 2013

 Posted by  Funding
Jun 192012
Caution: This post is more than a year old. Be sure to check for more up to date information.
The HSC R&D Division has announced that applications may be submitted for Doctoral Fellowships beginning in 2013.
The Doctoral Fellowships support research training in order to increase the HSC R&D capacity and to build an evaluative evidence-based culture. This scheme is intended to enable the individual to develop a research career in the HSC by undertaking research training leading to a PhD.

An award may be for 3 years full-time or 6 years part-time and will provide support for the applicant’s salary costs, tuition fees, research expenses and conference travel.

The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, 12th October 2012 at 4.00pm. Further information is on the HSC R&D Division website at www.publichealth.hscni.net/directorate-public-health/hsc-research-and-development/2013-health-social-care-rd-doctoral-fellowshi.