South Eastern HSC Trust Launches Quality Improvement Innovation Centre

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The new Quality Improvement Innovation Centre (QIIC) at the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust has been officially opened by Health Minister Edwin Poots.
The QIIC has been set up as a central hub to harness the wealth of staff knowledge, ideas and expertise within the trust, and ensure these are supported and developed. As well as providing leading edge technology and meeting space for staff, the centre will bring together expertise from across the organisation to support improvement activity which will, in turn, have a positive impact on patient and client care.
A feature of the launch was the final of the QIIC ‘Dragon’s Den’ type competition in which staff were challenged to come up with an idea for innovation, with the chance to win support and cash to take their project forwards. There were more than twenty entries, of which four were shortlisted as finalists. Dr David Brownlee, Innovation Advisor at HSC Innovations, was one of the judges and congratulated the winners. One of the winning projects was the adoption and use of video goggles to improve a patient’s journey through the operating theatre by alleviating some of the anxiety and distress associated with surgery.
HSC Innovations encourages staff with innovative solutions to improve patient care to get in touch for further assistance and support in developing these ideas into products that will ultimately benefit patients.
Further information on the QIIC is available on the South Eastern Trust website at